Over a period of three weeks or so I have typed up the poems, queried names and wording with some of the writers and decided that these workshop writings need a wider audience. I played with the words from the final workshop and used the App ‘WordPack’. The image was the best one that I felt gave the most accurate feel for the site and the words Birdoswald visitors had chosen.
Clare filmed me making a slit book with the group, which will also be put on the Frontier Voices website. I will include the final version of the poetry in the Frontier Voices legacy section of my website but English Heritage have agreed to host the poetry and artwork from the Frontier Voices project on their website pages and keep it beyond the project, which is fantastic news and a really good way to share the project more widely. I hadn’t expected to spend quite so long on the literary output and I still have the banners to complete for the café area. I have now narrowed it down to 6 banners - one with standards and 5 with poems from the workshops, and drawings of my interpretations of finds from the site selected by the group on the second day. When the banner designs are completed in the next few weeks I will add them. to edit.
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